Monday, April 19, 2010

Want to knit or crochet for the KNIT camBRIDGE project?



Knitted/crocheted pieces of any size will be accepted but at the moment preference is for: 

  1. Pieces 21” x 27” (or as close as possible to this) to cover the 267 handrails on the bridge
  2. Pieces 6” or 8” wide by 50”-60” long to cover 303 handrail spaces 
  3. Pieces as long as you like that are 8”, 10” or 22” wide
  4. Pieces 30” wide, minimum 12” long, maximum 4 ft long to cover columns
You may use any type of yarn, pattern, colour and knitting technique you wish. 

Please drop the pieces off at the front desk of the Cambridge Centre for the Arts, 60 Dickson Street, Cambridge. The Arts Centre can be reached at 519-740-4681 x 4376. 

Please attach a piece of paper to the knitting with your name, address, phone number and email. 

Thanks for being a part of this exciting community project!  Stay tuned for updates on the bridge project and all of the other related knitting events and programs at 

CONTACT: Sue Sturdy, 2010 Artist-in-Residence at the Cambridge Centre for the Arts 

519-740-4681 x 4491, or email

Posted via email from wendyhoo's pre-posterous

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