Friday, April 23, 2010

City of Cambridge to Strive for World Record! #WWKiP

Here's the press release regarding Cambridge's upcoming World Wide Knit in Public Day on June 19.  Please feel free to share it with other knitters.  Would love to make a go of the Guinness World Record! 

From my understanding, there needs to be plenty of volunteers: one volunteer for every 50 knitters!  Please let Sue or Sophie know if you're interested in being a volunteer. Their contact information is at the bottom of the press release. 

For Immediate Release

Cambridge Onboard to Strive for Record

‘World Wide Knitting Day’ Attempts Guinness’s Book Record


Cambridge, Ontario. April 13, 2010…Time to get the knitting needles out and join Cambridge Artist-in-Residence (AIR) Sue Sturdy as knitters from across the region and beyond come together in an effort to break the current world record of 937 simultaneous knitting participants. 


‘World Wide Knit in Public Day’ is slated for Saturday June 19th. Between 8:00 am and 12:00 noon Cambridge will celebrate this artistic form of fibre art including participating in the simultaneous knit-off at 10:30 am which will attempt to go down in the Guinness’s World Book of Records. 


Knitters of all ages and skill sets are invited to Civic Square, in front of Cambridge City Hall, to participate in this unique community event.  It is important to note that those people wishing to participate in the knit-off for the record must register in advance (on-site) between 8:00 am and 10:30 am.


“After a brief presentation at 10:30 am the go ahead to start knitting will be declared. All participants must knit simultaneously with two separate needles for at least 15 minutes,” says Fibre Artist Sue Sturdy, Cambridge’s AIR.


Rain or shine, the event will take place as special arrangements for an alternate indoor location are in play. There’s plenty to do:

§   Gather in Civic Square to socialize, knit and share experiences

§   Enjoy a knitting vendors’ fair inside City Hall

§   Visit the art gallery at the Cambridge Centre for the Arts

§   Experience the tastes of the Cambridge Farmers’ Market

§   Purchase a delicious apple dumpling and coffee at Wesley United Church

§   And, enjoy activities on the outdoor stage including a parade of knitting fashions and knitting games


“There are even prizes for participants - knitters are encouraged to wear a favourite piece of clothing that they have knitted,” Sturdy adds.


The City is also looking for volunteers to help with the event.  As well, knitting organizations or retailers who wish to be in the knitting vendors’ fair should connect right away to be part of this amazing day.


‘World Wide Knit in Public Day’ began in 2005 by founder Danielle Landes to bring together knitters. It has expanded to include events around the world and this year, the program introduced ‘World Wide Knit in Public Week’ (June 12-20, 2010) to enable more groups and organizations to get involved.


More information on the program, as well as the Cambridge Centre for the Arts can be found at For information on the KNIT camBRIDGE project go to


About the Artist in Residence (AIR)

Each year an artist is selected for the position of Artist-in-Residence (A.I.R.) at the Cambridge Centre for the Arts.  The artist shares their talents and skills with the community by engaging in various art initiatives that involve participation and arts education. The program is in part funded by the Cambridge Arts Guild.  The 2010 AIR is Cambridge fibre artist Sue Sturdy. Sue will be holding a series of events and programs to explore knitting as a contemporary art form and celebrate its role as a founding industry in Cambridge. One initiative, KNIT camBRIDGE, involves an opportunity for knitters to contribute pieces to be used in the covering of the Main Street Bridge in knitting!




Sue Sturdy, AIR

519.740.4681 ext 4491


Sophie McCann, Arts Coordinator

Cambridge Centre for the Arts (

519.740.4681 ext 4367


Posted via email from wendyhoo's pre-posterous

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