Okay, I wasn't exactly HAPPY. There was none of this "thank GAWD you're letting me go" bit. I didn't exactly jump for joy. In fact, I sat there for a few minutes actually trying to argue my case. But it was useless. There were only 11 positions to distribute amongst 20 internal candidates. Some of us had to go.
Thirty minutes later, I almost kissed my manager and walked out the door right then and there. "Gotta go! Thanks for everything!"
How did my change of heart happen so suddenly? Well, let's put it this way. It's true, I've been working in a job that doesn't quite fit. Like a jacket that doesn't feel right around your shoulders or a hat that's just a little too snug, I have been working in a position that doesn't quite fit my skills. I loved our clients, truly enjoyed working with co-workers and I even got to be somewhat creative in my work. But, when you get right down to it, I'm not one for numbers and some details seemed more important to them than to me.
I have asked myself, why did I stay in a job that didn't fit for over a year? A few answers come to mind. One, it was comfortable: as I said, I liked some of the job and the people with whom I was working are truly wonderful individuals - I will miss them. Second, there was the pay cheque: it seems fool-hearty to go without a perfectly good pay cheque when one is coming in at regular intervals. Third, I wasn't ready to go out on my own. The long buried aspirations of running my own business had only just been daydreams and what-if scenarios.
So now I'm in the odd position of being without the comfort of a friendly and familiar workplace and the safety net of a regular pay cheque. What's a girl to do?
Well, firstly, I'm lucky enough to qualify for Employment Insurance. Secondly, there's my old dreams of being self-employed. I have some unique skills and, it turns out, I've been creating a mental inventory of my skills for a while now - sometimes to the detriment of my paid work.
Perhaps that's why it only took me 30 minutes to realize, "Hey! Thanks for the kick in the pants. I needed that."
Speaking of which, the guy in this photo needs a better fitting jacket, a bigger hat and possibly a new job. ~ editor's opin. ;)
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