Thursday, April 1, 2010

Knit CamBridge: the ultimate graffiti knitting project?

I'm sitting at the Melville Cafe in the U of W School of Architecture building.  It over-looks the Grand River and historic downtown Galt: Galt being one of the three towns that make up modern day Cambridge, Ontario.  This is a small town. Traditionally, the economies in Galt and Hespeler were based on textile mills. Preston was more based on their large grain mill which still operates to this day.  Unfortunately, most of the textile industry is gone.  What industry still exists is mostly assembly work (sewing together) of fabric made over-seas.

Sue Sturdy, artist in residence at the Cambridge Centre for the Arts, wants to bring fibre back into the minds and hearts of modern residents.  

Her plan is audacious!  

The four concrete arches of Galt's historic bridge will be covered in the ultimate graffiti knitting project (albeit sanctioned by the City of Cambridge).  Scattered around town, you can find baskets of yarn and knitting on the needle.  If you see one, pick up the needles and knit.  It doesn't need to be pretty! By the time Sue sews all the pieces together and covers the bridge with said knitting, it will be a piece of art!  

This morning, Sue and I sat down over coffee, to discuss the project.  I'm happy to say that my involvement will be to help her reach more people through social media. Not to mention the fact that some of my knitting will be on the bridge this September!  

Take a look at the Knit CamBridge website: It will be growing throughout the months to come so check back frequently.  Share this link with your friends and help spread the word!             

Posted via email from wendyhoo's pre-posterous

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