Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Adventures at the KW Knitters Guild meeting

I'm just home from the KW Knitters' Guild meeting where I always have great conversations & learn good things: tonight @Knittydotcom (aka Amy Singer - yes, THE Amy Singer) was our guest speaker.  

Opening (yes, OPENING) for Amy, was acclaimed ukelele performer and singer: @Ukulelezo (aka Zoe).  Zoe strummed and charmed her way into out knitters' hearts. By the time she finished, we were like unspun roving in her hands.  Oh, and Ukulelezo / Zoe is in a contest that closes tonight so if you read this in time, vote for her here - though the site seems a bit fussy and I'm not sure it recorded my vote or not. 


At any rate, tonight I learned more about knitty.com than I had ever known before.  Mind you, I was always only one step away from the fame of knitty publishing as an old friend ACTUALLY has her Winecozy pattern published in knitty. OMG! Someday, someday, I hope my star may shine so bright ... :)  
knitty.com is a ground breaking, oft-times back breaking, enterprise.  It proudly offers FREE patterns to 100s of 1000s of knitters from all around the world.  All that  knitty.com asks in return is that you click on the advertising on the site.  Simple.  And, if you find a supplier that rocks your world, tell them that you learned about them from knitty.com.  All patterns are carefully edited and any pattern corrections are made to the live site and will show up as PINK.  Magic: no errata pages required! 

Also, whilst sitting & listening to Amy Singer, I was working on MY FIRST SOCK and I TURNED my first HEEL FLAP.  This is without a pattern, thank you very much. I must give credit to my hero, and knitty-published author, @yarnharlot, aka Stephanie Pearl-McPhee - what? does everyone have an alias these days???  At any rate, this being my first pair of socks, I'm using the heel flap method as suggested in Knitting Rules! I  requested, and gratefully received, coaching from a Guild member beside me - we're friendly that way. But, I did it.  I TURNED my first heel whilst listening to Amy Singer. Zowie! ;)

~ "wendyhoo" on Ravelry

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