Hi Everyone,
As you know after the knitting for the bridge comes down it will be sewn into scarves for the Tie One On Party and to give to charity etc etc.
Here’s one way people can get involved in that effort under the direction of volunteer Joanne Jones. Can you include this info in your websites, twitters and facebooks. Thanks!
Volunteers Needed to Turn the Bridge Knitting Into Scarves and Blankets
Knitting from the KNIT camBRIDGE project will be sewn into scarves to be sold and auctioned off raising money for local organizations (i.e. YWCA, Food Bank and Cambridge Centre for the Arts) and blankets to be given away to worthwhile causes. To help out pick up your scarf kit at the Cambridge Centre for the Arts on Saturday, October 16, 2010, between 9am and 11:30am. All materials and instructions will be provided. The completed scarf must be returned to the Cambridge Centre for the Arts on Sat, October 30, 9am and 11:30am.
Young people, ages 10 to 17, may volunteer to sew under the supervision of Joanne Jones, at the Cambridge Centre for the Arts on Saturday October 16, 23, and 30, 9am to 11:30am. Please find details regarding this opportunity at www.minedrecreations.com. You must register for this volunteer opportunity directly through Joanne Jones info@minedrecreations.com or 519-653-1206 mailbox 1.
If you are interested in either opportunity and have questions please contact Joanne Jones directly.
Sophie McCann
Arts Coordinator
Cambridge Centre for the Arts
City of Cambridge
519-740-4681 ext. 4367